Monday, November 2, 2020

2020 Super Revenge Results

Great turnout for this year’s "Super Revenge" and a job well done to Dave Smith, Ryan Funkhouser and their staff for prepping the golf course for an exciting day! Attached are the results for the 3 Flights: Women’s, Couples and Men’s. Below you will see the payouts awarded in Pro Shop credits for each Flight along with CTP and Longest Putt winners. Lastly, every single Skin was cut so the decision was made to add that $260 to Dave’s Employee Gratuity Fund which totaled $589 which they are very grateful for and much appreciated. So a big thank you to all!!!

CLOSEST TO PIN #12 (MEN) – Pete Gorski (10’ 1”) - $20


CLOSEST TO PIN #15 (LADIES) – Beth Trites (10’ 7”) - $20


LONGEST PUTT #18 – Jerry Watson (51’ 1”) - $20



1st – Brian Cummings & Pete Gorski (26) - $250

T-2nd – Drew Sites & Karl Karch (28) - $125

T-2nd – Mike Curry & Trae Taylor – (28) - $125

T-4th – Eric Raust & Tom Gilmore – (29) - $63 

T-4th – Jaison Perdue & Matt Stover – (29) - $63

T-4th – Justin Dayney & Justin Rastberger – (29) - $63



1st – Brenda Sites & Deborah McManus (30) - $100

2nd – Becki Davis & Roberta Karch (32) - $60

3rd – Beth Trites & Caroline Orsini (34) - $20



1st – Steve Pendry & Carol Pendry (30) - $80

2nd – Bob Ryan & Mary Ryan (36) - $40